The Purpose of This Blog

This blog performs the purpose of a resource tool for helping someone assess collaborative tools for use in a state-wide committee and associated meetings. Its aim is to provide a clarified overview of four online collaboration tools based on five criteria with the objective of helping one choose an appropriate product.

Twiddla Analysis

Collaboration tool Analysis

Who are they and what do they do?
Twiddla is a real-time based collaboration tool that allows many people the opportunity to gather at one time and communicate via text or video in order to make suggestions for changes on websites, documents, or images. The programmers who created this tool actually designed it for themselves with the idea of having a way to share ideas in real-time in a whiteboard like setting. This tool was the first of its kind, as the programmers were forced to create this tool for their job needs.

Who is this application for?
Twiddla is for anyone looking for suggestions on work in progress. It allows an unlimited number of members to join to the web meeting and “mark-up” the “whiteboard” with suggested changes and potential ideas for improvement. According to the makers, Twiddla was the first of its kind and is a programmers dream tool for collaborating on web design.

What functions and tools can this application perform?
Twiddla has many useful functions, surrounding 5 main focuses.
1.       Whiteboard- use a blank page and create any type of text you would like. Communicate with others by writing, drawing, or using shapes, all on a page created solely by the group.
2.       Web page- upload a webpage URL and be able to use the website in real-time while communicating with the group about suggested changes, how to questions, or whatever other kinds of collaborative uses you can think of.
3.       Document- upload a personal document and have the group review
4.       Image- upload an image and mark it up!
5.       EtherPad- write text and share thoughts. 

Twiddla combines chat and voice to allow users to make the most of the collaborative process. The creators wanted a tool that allowed many people to work together to make the best website or document together without having to save, email, and wait days for a response. 

Twiddla offers a Browse tool that allows you to interact with your page as is, not viewing any of the suggested changes made by group members. It also offers a Select tool, enabling the group members to move comments and drawings around after creation. In addition, there is an erase, shapes, and text tools, each which have additional options such as color changes, line width, text types, clear options and more. With options like this, Twiddla clearly is made to allow group members the widest possible options of interaction in the most appealing way possible. In short, this tool is meant to be fun! By offering a draw tool, this cite takes a boring web based meeting and makes it feel like the members are in a brainstorming meeting sitting around a conference table with a giant whiteboard in the middle.           

The best part about Twiddla is that it does not require any downloads or specific web browser. This tool can be used by anyone with internet access anywhere. Where some collaboration tools have limitations that only allow certain operating systems or computers with certain specs, Twiddla can be used by all as long as they can open a webpage. Also, Twiddla allows members to save screen shots of the progress not only to the cite, but to their personal computers with a simple click of a button. This allows easy tracking of changes throughout online interactions. 

How does this application work?
Twiddla is yet another tool that uses cloud technology to run. Users can sign-up for one of four account choices; Guest (free), Professional ($14/month), Enterprise ($49/month), or Universal ($189/month). With each increase in the package comes the increase in technical support and features offered with this application. Setting up the free guest account is easy and quick. Enter only your email and create a password to begin. Then send invitations to others to join and let the collaboration begin. 

Twiddla feels quite different depending on what the group is collaborating on. If a document is uploaded for review, this tool feels similar to Microsoft Paint. However, if a website is under review, Twiddla takes on an entirely new feel. The users can browse the cite together in real-time while commenting, circling, or drawing attention to different features or items.  Twiddla could be used by professionals to make important document reviews, or by friends trying to pick the cruise they most want to go on. The uses are truly endless.

Overall rating on 5 important criteria:

Case Study: In October of 2011, myself and a partner each created free accounts through Twiddla with the purpose of testing its suitability based on the criteria below. Ratings are based on a scale of 1-5.

Is it user-friendly?
Twiddla is user-friendly, but takes some time to get use to. It doesn’t seem to be as precise or fast-paced as other programs. There is a slowness to the cite that can get frustrating when trying to move comments or erase drawings. However, the document upload or website browsing seems to work quite well.
Productivity enhancing?
Since Twiddla does not limit the number of people who can join one session, this tool could have barriers to productivity. Can you image 20 people all trying to doodle on the whiteboard at once? How about even just 5 people who want to click on two different links from a website at once? In general, this tool could cause productivity problems if a plan is not laid out beforehand.
Start-up barriers?
There are no start-up barriers which makes this tool extremely valuable.  I literally signed up for my free Guest account in under one minute without any pop-up ads disturbances or personal information needed. Simply create a user-name, provide an email address to send the confirmation email to, and create a password. It is simple and quick.
Storage and archive capability?
Twiddla does not require downloads or storage on hard-drives. Instead, it utilizes the cloud. Twiddla is compatible with all browsers and allows the storage of numerous projects at once.
Twiddla is extremely stable. Like other cloud based collaboration tools, as long as the user has access to the internet they should be able to access their Twiddla account.


Other Reviews and Tutorials 

1. View what the creators of this tool think
~See or hear what the creators of this tool think about their own product. 

Main focus of source:
  •  Past posts on tool use
  • Brief overview of tool capabilities
  • Demo videos

2. YouTube overview video of tool
View one user's experience with the product

Main view of source:
  • Illustrates uses of tool
  •  Advises of creative potential
  • Give an overall positive view of tool experience
3. CNET News review of Twiddla
Trusted news cite has both negative and positive reviews

Main view of source:
  •   Good for small groups in need of a brainstorming tool 
  •  Award winning in 2008 as an Interactive Web tool
  •  Mentioned cases of sluggish use
4. Office Equipment Review Site Posts on Twiddla
Well detailed post with background information and uses for this tool.

Main focus of source:
  • Free whiteboard type of collaboration tool
  •  Easy to set-up and maintain
  • Gives overview of how to use product